In a world bathed in perpetual darkness, a recent study has found tiny communities bursting with vitality.

Most modern humans arrange their homes just the way they like them, and new research suggests Neanderthals did the same thing.

Australia’s consumer watchdog has barked-down claims about the alleged danger of nano-materials in sunscreen.

The excellent efforts of a team of first-year engineers have been rewarded, celebrating the creative solutions to real-world problems that young minds can produce.

The number of Australian teens using their smartphones to access the internet has shot up over the last few years, but unfortunately so has the rate at which embarrassing photos and videos are ending up online.

An Australian university has been awarded for the successful employment of innovative techniques in education.

Researchers have made up their minds on which part of the brain is most responsible for decision making.

At the end of a tumultuous week for Australia’s education system it is clear that the ‘Gonski’ funding model is gone, but unclear as to what will replace it.

Most parents are keen to find new tools that might allow their kids to succeed, but a new study says for parents of children with ADHD – some money can be better spent.

There are a truly ludicrous amount of ideas on the best teaching strategies, but a new study says trying to narrow it down to just one is not the way to go.

A new study has found children are often put back onto a sporting field after they suffer a concussion, and the trend could lead to serious long-term negative effects.

A new project has been launched to find out exactly how the values of people in rural areas are affected by land use conflicts caused by CSG drilling, wind farms, irrigation and agriculture.

Airborne pollutants do more than just accumulate over time – we now know they contribute to the make-up of storm clouds, creating more direct weather effects.

Biting at the heels of NASA’s latest launch, the space agency is preparing to send up a rocket to probe the atmosphere of Venus.

Some Australian universities are showing off their creations for the Formula SAE contest; a race to test students’ design and engineering skills.

The Education Minister has announced a boost aimed to increase the number of postgraduate nurses, part of a $62 million investment pushing more people into degrees.

Legislation has been put before the House of Representatives which is intended to make it easier for business to work within the paid parental leave scheme.

An event over the weekend showed the high level of training and skilled students coming out of Australian institutions.

The University of New England may reconsider its sponsorship deal with the Parramatta Eels NRL team, after the club sign a deal with another sponsor that the University does not abide.

An enterprise bargaining stand-off at the University of Adelaide may hold up results for students, after little progress has been made from months of talks.

A survey has shown that engineering students should be more aware of the public and social welfare issues in their projects, or risk focusing too much on the technical and not enough on the human element.

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