Reports have emerged praising the streamlining and cost-cutting possibilities of cloud computing facilities for government sectors, with results in Britain showing the public sector can reach efficiency goals through better software.

As you may or may not have noticed, icicles have ripples of exactly the same wavelength no matter how big they get. Scientists are now trying to work out why.

A professor from Flinders University has written about Australia’s strong history of multiculturalism, saying that it is part of the national tradition and should be treated as such.

An Australian research group has been empowering women to a prosperous future through education and training all over the planet.

An Australian Company is looking to fill the skies with drones, but not the nasty kind - the kind that delivers knowledge-bombs in the form of textbooks.

A mining billionaire has made the biggest single philanthropic donation in Australian history – giving $65 million to higher education in Western Australia.

A Monash University expert has questioned the place of digital technology for higher education, finding that sometimes the old way is still the best for students and teachers.

A key educational authority at UNSW has been awarded for her contributions to domestic and international education.

The Victorian Education Department is considering a plan to hire its senior school leaders and principals from places other than the education arena.

Teachers often weave separate threads of comedy and authority in their attempts to engage students, but a new study shows there can be negatives for teachers who poke too much fun at themselves.

New research shows very few women leave top jobs to have children - and it is a needless gender barrier that keeps many out of careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

New research suggests that true genius needs company.

Neuroscientists have shown that virtually all primates follow a particular genetic code for brain development, showing humans are not the sole keepers of high-order brain functions for planning, complex decisions and speech.

A study tour is bringing together researchers and community members from across the Arafura and Timor seas to share ideas for the future.

Pending some large-scale revolution, in just one month the Australian government will sign-off on the Trans-Pacific Partnership – a trade agreement that will allow media companies broad powers to enforce copyright and censorship laws online.

Nursing students at the University of Adelaide have had a mental-health rotation added to their first year of study in an effort to create a more holistic approach to training and treatment.

Japan is facing a shortage of government internet security experts, and so is actively trying to create hackers to help.

A new centre at an Australian university wants to create a new way to get young students into studying education in science, engineering and health.

A ‘reform agenda’ has been announced by the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency which aims to cut red tape; allowing faster decisions, online submissions lodging and less hassle for trusted providers.

The South Australian Opposition says that an educator, not an enforcer should run the state’s schools.

An event this week has shown 50 high-achieving Year 10 girls what future awaits them in the worlds of engineering or IT.

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