Nursing students at the University of Adelaide have had a mental-health rotation added to their first year of study in an effort to create a more holistic approach to training and treatment.

Mental health training for first-year nurses is not common in Australia, but in Adelaide more than 100 budding nurses have taken up the placements to learn more about diseases of the mind.

Associate Lecturer Briony Lia says there are plenty of benefits, primarily in ensuring that nurses can deal with all facets of medical ailment.

Speaking in the lead-up to this week’s Mental Health Week talks, Prof Lia said: “The incidence of mental illness and emotional problems in the community is increasing, so it's important that we train our future nurses to be ready for these situations.”

“For first-year students, working in a mental-health setting puts them out of their comfort zone and challenges them, but it also provides them with great opportunities for personal and professional growth.”

“We've already seen skills development among these students, such as recognising the signs of mental illness, changes in people's behaviour, and being able to communicate effectively with those who suffer from a mental illness.”

“This will have flow-on benefits in whatever area of nursing our students work in, and will give them a more holistic approach to nursing,” she said.

First-year nursing student Candice Lee said upon completing her first metnal health placement: “Entering this placement I was aware of the stigma surrounding mental health... the experience has given me a profound insight into mental health and the opportunity to gain first-hand experience into the treatment and care of mental health consumers.”

“This experience will definitely be invaluable to have in any area of nursing. For example, my communication skills were challenged in the mental health setting but the techniques I learned to overcome this will be transferrable to my further learning as well as my professional practice.”

Funding from an Australian Government initiative, Health Workforce Australia, has made extra mental health training possible.