Skills Australia has released a major report on the future for vocational education and training (VET) in Australia, outlining a series of recommended reforms for the organisation and funding of the VET sector.

The report, Skills for Prosperity – a roadmap for VET, found that the current VET system is overly complex.

It recommended  an individual and enterprise demand-led model of public funding to remove financial barriers and to allow increased choice of training provider.

The ACT Government has announced a total of $194.2 million in new education funding in the state’s 2011 Budget, brining the total level of Territory education funding to $834.7 in the 2011-12 year.

The Northern Territory Government has announced a $930 million education and training package in the Territory’s 2011 Budget.

Queensland Premier Anna Bligh has hosted a roundtable on international education with participants across the education industry.

Victorian Education Minister Martin Dixon has announced a $20 million boost in 2011-12 and $44 million in 2012-13 to support students with disabilities, brining the total State Government funding in the area to $156 million.

Victorian Minister for Higher Education and Skills Peter Hall has announced a $157.8 million funding package in the State Budget for students enrolled in vocational education and training programs including apprenticeships and traineeships.

The Victorian State Government has announced a $293.5 million initiative for vocational and language education in the government schools.

The Federal Government has announced major increases to payments for family’s whose teenage children stay in schooling.

The Federal Government has announced the country’s first national system of pay rewards for results in Australia’s education system.

The Standing Council on School Education and Early Childhood of New South Wales has announced the education divide between urban and rural children to be a key priority.

The total number of students attending undergraduate university courses has grown by an estimated 50,000 over a two year period.

Northern Territory Minister for Education and Training Dr Chris Burns has announced a territory wide roll out of the national curriculum across all schools.

A new set of national teacher training standards have been set in Melbourne following the Ministerial Council for Education, Early Childhood Development and Youth Affairs.

The Coalition of Australian Governments (COAG) has released its first report into National Partnership Agreement on Literacy and Numeracy, providing an assessment of achievement against targets agreed between the Commonwealth, and the States and Territories.

Flinders University has appointed Professor Jeri Kroll to the new position of Dean of Graduate Research.

Queensland has achieved it's literacy and numeracy targets for 2010, ensuring the state's eligibility for the first reward payment of $48.5 million from the Federal Government.

A former Productivity Commission economist has called for an integrated system of funding government and non-government schools alike.

The Victorian Government has called for submissions on ways to increase tertiary education participation as the first step in the development of a Tertiary Education Plan for Gippsland.

Draft Provider Standards have been released for comment as part of the process to establish the Higher Education Standards Framework that will be overseen by the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA).

Professor Paul Wellings, a former Deputy Chief Executive of CSIRO, has been appointed vice-chancellor of the University  of Wollongong.

The Productivity Commission has commenced the third phase of its Education and Training Workforce study which will examining the workforce of the schools sector. An issues paper will be produced next month, and the final report will be submitted to the Australian Government in April 2012.

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