The Prime Minister has made a big mental health funding promise.

An extra-terrestrial twin study has given important insights into the health effects of living in space.

Western Australia will soon host a national hub for future battery research.

The OECD says the rich should be taxed more to help the middle class.

Tasmania is making gender optional on birth certificates.

Australian researchers are working on a quantum device to generate all possible futures simultaneously.

New data shows collaborating with Indigenous peoples can improve results in conservation research.

An announcement this week could mark the first time anyone has actually seen a black hole.

People who take exams or write essays on behalf of university students could be jailed under proposed education reforms.

Experts want input on a new AI ethics framework.

The Federal Government says it will spend $129 million extending cashless debit card trials nationwide.

The Federal Government has launched a scheme to fund organisations run by people with disability.

The Prime Minister has slammed animal rights activists as groups protest around the country.

A Sydney mathematician has helped solve a decades-old maths riddle.

Experts say Australia has not yet made the systemic changes required to achieve diversity in STEM.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has launched a royal commission into the abuse and neglect of disabled Australians.

A new study has found countries that help working class students get into university have happier citizens.

Academics who remain after a restructure at Flinders University say they are being seriously overworked.

The 2019-20 Federal Budget contains a number of cuts to research programs.

Australian researchers want to use 3D mapping to identify rare diseases in children.

The Federal Government is considering jailing social media executives whose networks fail to remove terrorist content.

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