Almost a million dollars has been allocated to literacy programs for helping out migrants, deaf people and other Tasmanian residents in need.

Tasmania’s Minister for Education and Skills, Nick McKim, made the announcement this week that 28 projects across the state would be the recipients of awards in the 2013 Skills Tasmania 26TEN Grants.

Community projects to receive funding through the 2013 grants program include a program providing learning pathways for young mothers in Glenorchy, English language classes for migrants in Hobart, and a Tasmanian Deaf Society program to build workplace literacy through the delivery of English and Auslan.

“The 26TEN network is a key initiative of the State Government’s Adult Literacy Action Plan 2010-2015 and brings together business, community and government to help more Tasmanians get the literacy skills they need for life and work,” Mr Kim said, “members are taking action to improve literacy skills and promote plain English in their workplaces and communities... more than 100 Tasmanian business, community and government organisations have now joined the 26TEN network or are working towards becoming a member.”

The announcement was made at the site of a previous success story for the 26TEN network, with Mr McKim speaking from New Town aged-care facility Barrington Lodge. The Lodge benefitted from two 26TEN grants received by Aged and Community Services Tasmania in the 2012 grants program.
The Minister for Education and Skills said there was plenty more to be done and more grants will be awarded.

“There’s no doubt that literacy changes lives and 26TEN is a far-reaching long-term strategy that is already raising awareness and harnessing the efforts of Tasmanians to make a difference, “ he said, “a new round of grants for employers will open in September and I’d like to encourage business and business groups to apply.”

Applications can be made online.