Archived News for Education Sector Professionals - March, 2016
Experts are looking at the idea of fining parents of South Australian children who regularly miss school.
Gonski review shows money matters
A new snapshot of Australia's education system shows the Gonski funding is working, although it may have increased teachers’ workploads.
High-tech eyes on ancient art
Some of Australia’s most futuristic machines are being used to study some of the nation’s oldest artworks.
First steps to future of family violence
Victoria will soon have Australia’s first independent family violence agency, combining monitoring, policy advice and research roles.
Research review leaders unveiled
New working groups have been announced for a nationwide research overhaul.
Missing probe leaves JAXA scratching head
Japan's space agency has lost a newly-launched astronomy satellite.
QLD says CSIRO should be kept strong
The Queensland Government has launched a surprising attack on job cuts at the CSIRO imposed by the Federal Government.
Fly fears appear like our own
Anxiety disorders are some of the most common of all brain issues, and a new study on fruit flies may have shed some light on anxiety’s most basic mechanisms.
Students caught in ACN's decline
Australian Careers Network (ACN) has slid into voluntary administration, leaving its 15,000 students with no classes.
Study shows kids kept out by cards
A new report says not having money for public transport should not keep kids from going to school.
Experts circling advanced Adelaide
Researchers want to make Adelaide an ‘integrated smart city’ to demonstrate the mod-cons of tomorrow.
Gene info has little effect
The age of personal gene sequencing is upon us, though many people are unwilling to decode their DNA.
Legal minds want to close prying eyes
Legal experts say there needs to be big reforms to protect privacy in the digital age.
Live gambling ban planned
The Federal Government could regulate the rapidly-expanding world of online gambling.
Research reports viral recipe
Psychologists say they are close to identifying the recipe for a viral video.
Surgeons say iPads preferred
A group of doctors have found that patients prefer learning about their surgery from an iPad.
Ceiling safety taken to the top
School is meant to be about expanding young minds, but ceiling safety issues in WA mean some schools are more likely to compress them.
Maths moves to step up STEM
Federal education minister Simon Birmingham says mid-level maths should be made a pre-requisite for students looking to enrol in science, engineering or commerce degrees.
Students want sex-talk expanded
As the right wing faction of the LNP insists that children’s minds are being damaged by sex education, a new study says teens want more information.
Sweet drink tax could can obesity
The UK Government is imposing a tax on sugary drinks to help tackle obesity, leaving many to wonder if the same thing would work in Australia.
Training claims taken upstairs
The administrators of a collapsed training company have raised allegations of a massive rort.