The Education Minister’s efforts to reform higher education are trundling along.

Engineers have unveiled a cheap, open-source microscope that turns protozoa into Pac-Man.

New research has looked at the 'thermal inequality' created by a lack of trees in poorer suburbs.

The Northern Territory government has refused further funding for Lifeline Top End.

Scientists have removed and analysed single neurons from fruit fly embryos...

A University of NSW study could bury claims that bike helmets do not help.

The World Health Organization (WHO) says doctors have a role to play in the climate change debate.

The Government is shutting down the loans scheme for students undertaking vocational education and training.

The NBN’s second Sky Muster satellite has launched, on its way to bringing more coverage to some of our most internet-starved areas.

Job providers say a remote work for the dole scheme is “causing more harm than good”.

Three British scientists have been awarded the Nobel Prize in physics for some mind-bending breakthroughs.

Hormonal birth control has been linked to a higher risk of developing depression, with teenagers most vulnerable.

Japanese engineers have unveiled their latest robotic companion.

The Federal Government will hold high-level roundtable discussions on Indigenous suicide in the Kimberley region.

Australian engineers are networking soil and trees, lending a high-tech hand to some vital conservation efforts.

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