Archived News for Education Sector Professionals - April, 2012
The Federal Government has launched MyUniversity, the first online service that allows potential students to compare and contrast different universities and the courses they offer.
Ranked by criteria such as course content, student satisfaction and post-study employability of its students, the service has been described as a ‘valuable tool’ by Minister for Tertiary Education Senator Chris Evans.
"We've provided for students to choose where they want to go without restrictions, to choose the courses they want to study, and part of empowering them is to give them good information about what their options are," Senator Evans said.
$21 million worth of training invested to boost autism awareness
Parliamentary Secretary for School Education, Senator Jacinta Collins, launched the second phase of the Gillard Government’s Positive Partnerships to provide classroom and family support for students with autism.
Australian Government works to reform attitudes towards education in the Northern Territory
The Australian Government’s Stronger Futures package will provide children in the Northern Territory a $583 million investment over 10 years after Aboriginal people telling the Government that education is a priority.
Baulderstone wins Swinburne contract
Swinburne University of Technology has awarded Baulderstone the $70 million contract for the construction of the university’s Advanced Manufacturing Centre.
QLD students with disabilities given funding boost
$41 million in funding is being allocated to up to 29,000 Queensland school students with disabilities. The Gillard Governement’s More Support for Students with Disabilities initiative will provide greater access to classroom support and specialized equipment.
Victoria reveals new training engagement model
The Victorian Government has unveiled a new model for industry engagement which will aim to ensure employers’ and industries’ training needs are better met.
WA teacher pay offer gets the nod
The Western Australian Government’s pay offer has been accepted by the state’s 27,000 teachers and school administrators after they voted in favour of the December agreement.