The Northern Territory will soon lower the age of criminal responsibility to 10.

The federal government has put up $14 million for new mental health research.

The Australian National University (ANU) has unveiled significant measures to counter a $200 million deficit.

Researchers have discovered the world’s oldest cheese.

Researchers have found that teenagers who sleep less than eight hours per night are more likely to experience psychological distress.

A new report says allowing one-minute phone breaks in class may boost focus and test scores.

Australia's dating apps are getting a safety makeover.

Australia's proposed ‘Misinformation Bill’ has stirred outrage among free speech advocates.

A Senate inquiry has found Australian universities are failing Jewish students amid rising campus anti-Semitism.

Experts say coral reef destruction should be seen as a human rights issue.

Earth is believed to have captured its new temporary ‘minimoon’.

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For the last few weeks we have been bogged down in the very Earthly matters of royalty, budgets, politics, humanity and celebrity - all good prompts to look away, up into the infinite. 

Health authorities, politicians and scientists have been slowly introducing the world to the concept of ‘One Health’ - an all-inclusive approach to health that extends from the human body right through the global environment. 

This year’s Nobel Prizes honour discoveries that unwind our notion of truth, our understanding of ourselves and the human story, the complexities of cells and the very basics of the universe. 

XENOTRANSPLANTATION - sounds like something that would happen to an ill-fated crew member in Star Trek, but it is also a technical term for using non-human parts to treat or enhance our own bodies. 

I am Tim Hall; a red-blooded, beer-drinking, car-driving Australian male who has no interest in watching sports – at least, not the sports played by humans.

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