Archived News for Education Sector Professionals - July, 2024
Most major AI chatbots tend to lean to the left when asked politically-charged questions.
Gap goals going slowly
Some “deeply troubling” trends have appeared in the latest Closing the Gap report.
Queensland adds teacher sweeteners
The Queensland Government has announced a $54.5 million investment for more teachers in regional, rural, and remote areas.
Social media concerns detailed
Experts say the federal government social media inquiry is deeply flawed.
State outlines commission response
Victoria has accepted several of the recommendations from the federal government’s Disability Royal Commission.
Locals aid basin efforts
The MDBA is running a new project that blends traditional First Nations knowledge with modern fisheries science.
ANU reports pay issues
The Australian National University says it has taken swift action to address $2 million in missed payments to casual staff.
Broad set fall for crypto-scams
People from all socioeconomic backgrounds are susceptible to cryptocurrency investment scams ...
Full environment fix calculated
Saving Australia's environment, including its threatened wildlife and degraded landscapes, would cost about 0.3 per cent of the nation's GDP, according to a new report.
SA inquiry for DCP claims
South Australian Child Protection Minister Katrine Hildyard has ordered a review of her department's complaints process.
Laser test suggests boost
Australian researchers say new technology could allow a 1,000-fold increase in communication ...
Mixed review for youth scheme
An independent review has revealed mixed results for Queensland Youth Co-Responder Teams.
NSW curriculum updated
The NSW primary school curriculum will undergo a significant transformation in 2027.
Tech giants face eSafety fines
The eSafety Commissioner is demanding major tech companies take action against child abuse.
Alzheimer's study shows atrophy
Australian scientists have made a significant breakthrough in understanding Alzheimer's disease.
Experts work against animal testing
Researchers are reducing and eventually replacing the use of animals in medical studies.
Water class enhanced
Melbourne Water has launched a new education centre designed to teach Victorian students about ...
Eco issues slow growth
Experts say trillions of dollars in worker productivity could be lost due to eco-anxiety and ‘lie-back’ lifestyles.