Archived News for Education Sector Professionals - December, 2011
A new advisory body made up of public and private education representatives will advise the NSW Government on issues that affect schools in the state.
The NSW Schools Advisory Council will provide advice on matters in school education that arise from early childhood, higher education and vocational education and training.
It will formalise and strengthen the input the government receives from the school sectors about areas such as national partnerships and issues raised at ministerial councils.
Hilmer to chair Group of Eight
Following the retirement of Professor Paul Greenfield as Vice-Chancellor of The University of Queensland and Go8 Chair,
Review of Funding for Schooling completed
The Federal Government has received the final report from the Chair of the Review of Funding for Schooling, David Gonski.
Review of Tasmania's VET system launched
A consultation paper canvassing the key issues to be investigated as part of a review of Tasmania’s public vocational education and training has been released for comment. .
$20m for new Port Macquarie health and medical education campus
Commonwealth funding of $20 million has been announced for a health and medical education campus in Port Macquarie – the first of its kind in regional Australia.
UTS unveils super microscope
The University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) has unveiled the world’s first super-resolution microscope that shows real time footage of living cells interacting with infectious diseases.
Storm brews over UniSuper
The National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) has demanded amendments to existing superannuation agreements to ensure that employers pay shortfalls in superannuation to avoid extensive cuts to the 80,000 employees in the higher education sector.
ABS releases international student findings
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has released findings that show one in five tertiary education students were international students as of 2009.
Government announces $67 million education agreement
The Federal Government has announced a $67 million investment by the Federal Government for 11 partnerships between universities, schools, state governments and TAFEs, designed to assist disadvantaged Australians access higher education.
Evans appointed Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills, Science and Research
Science, research and tertiary education have been grouped together in a new federal portfolio to be headed by Senator Chris Evans, following the ministerial reshuffle announced this week by the Prime Minister, Julia Gillard. Senator Kim Carr, who was Minister for Industry, Innovation, Science and Research, has been demoted from Cabinet to the outer ministry as Minister for Manufacturing and Minister for Defence Materiel.
Graduate employment statistics released
The latest Australian Graduate Survey has revealed 77 per cent of Bachelor graduates find employment within four months of completing their degree, with a further 15 per cent of graduates finding part-time or casual employment.
Government opens $350 million for early education grants
The Federal Government has called on quality organisations to apply for around $350 million in grant funding to assist in delivering professional development and inclusion support for early childhood education and care services.
Swinburne launches Advanced Technologies Centre
Swinburne University of Technology has launched its $140 million advanced manufacturing teaching and research facility in Melbourne.
Hattie calls for more focus on student growth
Professor John Hattie has urged a change in focus from standards to student growth in a lecture at the Melbourne Graduate School of Education.
Senate establishes skill shortage inquiry
The Federal Government has announced the formation of a Senate inquiry into the growing demand for infrastructure delivery and shortage of appropriate engineering and trade related skills in the country.
MCD University of Divinity officially launches
The Victorian Government has announced the formal establishment of the state’s newest university, MCD University of Divinity.
Tasmania announces VET review
The Tasmanian Government has announced the role and function of Tasmania’s public vocational education and training (VET) providers will be reviewed.
Government releases Base Funding Review
The Federal Government has released the final report of the Base Funding Review, offering a series of recommendations for public investment in higher education and other key proposals to ensure the sector remains internationally competitive.
Government outlines $377 million for universities
The Federal Government has announced $377 million in funding for the country’s higher education sector, with regional universities to receive $268 million of the funding.
Indigenous education panel announced
The Federal Government has announced the membership of a panel tasked with reducing the education gap between indigenous and non-indigenous Australians.
Margaret Sheil appointed as University of Melbourne Provost
Professor Margaret Sheil, the Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Research Council, will be the next Provost of the University of Melbourne.