Research has confirmed the gut-brain connection in autism.

Ground-breaking Australian scientists have been elected Fellows of the Australian Academy of Science.

The Australian Education Union (AEU) is reportedly reversing its support of Tasmania’s latest teacher pay deal.

The US Department of Defence is funding a concussion study in Queensland.

An official inquiry will look at technical issues plaguing the NAPLAN school tests.

The Federal Government is setting up a new agency called Service Australia.

Students are concerned that conditions placed on Charles Sturt University’s registration will damage student credibility.

Research suggests teens' sleep patterns can be improved by reducing blue light exposure ...

Local scientists are building a huge underwater telescope at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea to study rays from space.

Most of WA’s Kimberly region will soon fall under native title.

A Sydney syndicate has allegedly swindled $1.1 million from the NDIS.

NSW councils are preparing to celebrate National Reconciliation Week.

Researchers have found a way to compress the genetic code of synthetic organisms.

The newly-returned Morrison Government should be held to account for massive health promises.

Australian experts have set up Australia’s first psychology outreach clinic for high school students.

Tech giants have pledged to work with governments and each other to combat the threat of violent extremism on the internet.

Government funding to private schools has grown by far more than public schools over the decade to 2017.

Australian scientists say the internet’s ‘trustability’ protocols are severely broken.

Concern has been raised about children being “held like caged animals” in police watch houses ...

Local researchers have identified 70 previously unknown genes that contribute to people developing serious mental health disorders.

A new study suggests prison sentences do not significantly reduce rates of future violent crime.

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