Thousands of researchers have been brought together with the launch of the Future Earth Program this week.

Australia’s entry in Elon Musk’s SpaceX Hyperloop Pod Competition has been unveiled.

High-tech sensors and citizen scientists have tracked down a new meteorite in WA.

Enrolments for mining engineering degrees are plummeting – just as Australia’s mining sector is seeing a global rally in price.

Concerns have been raised about the high rate of forced ECT and low legal representation of mental health patients.

Some experts are concerned about plans to install Chinese technology on one of Australia’s most powerful supercomputers.

From antibiotic resistance to water purification in disaster zones, some of Australia’s top academic efforts have been honoured.

Compulsory coding classes will be rolled out across Queensland next year.

A government review has labelled Australia's university entrance system confusing, inconsistent and misunderstood.

Questions are being asked about the effectiveness of the upcoming youth detention review ...

CSIRO is seeking a full petaflop of processing power.

Craving chips with gravy? Researchers say they know why.

The WA Government is letting kids deliver its latest road safety message.

HIV notification rates for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are now more than double ...

One Queensland researcher could deal a big blow to the 160-year-old needle and syringe.

A troubled school in the Queensland community of Aurukun will not be saved by ‘direct instruction’.

Enrolments are growing at the extreme ends of South Australia’s school sizes.

Indigenous artwork has been painted on one of Australia’s most important new satellite antennas.

Around one-quarter of public school teachers have reported being assaulted by a student this year.

The first reports are in from Australia’s search for life in outer space.

It is well known that modern humans interbred with Neanderthals, but ...

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