Macquarie University has announced it will adopt a new postgraduate degree structure from 2013, making it the first Australian university to fully align with European, North Americans and Asian qualifications. The decision follows a vote by the Academic Senate in favour of a new research training Masters degree consistent with the ‘Bologna model’. 

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) Professor Jim Piper said the University will offer a two-year Masters degree as the standard pathway to PhD study, providing a more intensive research experience for students before beginning doctoral study.


"Our graduates will gain a competitive advantage both nationally and internationally when they apply for early-career academic and research positions," he said. "They'll also be better prepared for doctoral studies and have better articulation and joint-PhD options with overseas universities."


Domestic students undertaking the new research training Masters degree will receive a scholarship throughout their study, the result of a significant extra investment by the University into research activity.


Following the Academic Senate decision, a detailed implementation plan will be developed in consultation with staff and students. The plan will outline how to apply the new model across the University, and recommend changes to the existing degree structures, including the Honours degree programs, in time for launch in January 2013.